Authorized for the 9th Logistical Command on 16 January 1961, this Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (unit patch) wa subsequently redesignated for the 9th Theater Army Area Command in 1994 and for the 9th Theater Support Command in 2000. The Command’s principal mission of logistical and administrative support for Army duties is represented by the white star, and the nonagon (nine-sided polygon) reflects the organization’s numerical designation and also resembles the letter “O,” a reference to its original formation as a Logistical Command on the island of Okinawa.
The 9th Logistical Command spent much of the 1960s working in Thailand to accumulate and monitor designated stockpiles, as well in pointing local citizens to civic action programs and maintaining active communications in the country.
Following inactivation in 1970, nearly 25 years would elapse before the unit was reactivated Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 9th Theater Army Area Command in December 1994. It transitioned to its final incarnation, the 9th Theater Support Command, in 2000, by merging with the 310th Theater Support Command, with headquarters in Japan but the vast majority of its personnel in Virginia.
In 2007, the 9th Theater Support Command was inactivated as I Corps (Forward) was activated at Camp Zama, Japan and took over the roles previously handled by 9th TSC.
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