The 230th Engineer Battalion is a unit in the Tennessee Army National Guard. It is one of two Engineer Battalions assigned to the 194th Engineer Brigade and is headquartered in Trenton. In addition to serving in Iraq (2005-2006) and Afghanistan (2011-2012), the Battalion's recent assignments have included participating in training exercises (Task Force Grizzly in California in 2000, for instance), area cleanup and restoration following tornadoes and large storms in Tennessee and neighboring states, and response and recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian in Florida.
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Originally approved for the 230th Armored Engineer Battalion on 15 September 1955, this Distinctive Unit Insignia (aka as “unit crest” or “DUI”) was redesignated for the 230th Engineer Battalion on 4 November 1960. INCIMUS PONTE ITINERE, the Battalion motto, is inscribed on a scroll attached to a shield; it translates in English as “We Bridge The Way.”
On the shield of the insignia is a lightning flash crossed with a section of bridge, symbolizing the unit’s mission to facilitate operations through construction; the black flash also visually conveys the destructive power of the unit’s demolition capabilities. Five arrows at the base of the shield allude to the organization’s constitution and original service as an Engineer Combat Battalion.
uidance on wear of the DUI is found in DA Pamphlet 670-1, Section 21-22, "Distinctive unit insignia" and 21–3(d) and (e), "Beret" and "Garrison Cap," respectively.