The 324th Signal Battalion Distinctive Unit Insignia, commonly referred to as a “unit crest” or DUI, was originally approved for the Battalion’s wear on 24 June 1988 and was amended with an updated description on 25 November 1916. A shield divided into an orange chief (upper third) and white (silver) incorporates the colors of the organization’s branch of service, the Signal Corps.
Lighting bolts emerging in four directions from the globe to symbolize the Battalion’s alacrity in immediately respond to a situation regardless of its location, a visual representation of the Battalion motto “Ready Anywhere Anytime.” The blue of the globe stands for loyalty and honor, while the fleur-de-lis in the chief and the wavy partition below it are visual references to the location of the unit’s service in World War II during the Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, and Central Europe campaigns. Spearheads pointing in the four primary directions of the compass rose reinforce the “Anywhere” aspect of the unit’s mission while also denoting the two number of battle honors the Battalion has accrued.
Guidance on wear of the DUI is found in DA Pamphlet 670-1, Section 21-22, "Distinctive unit insignia" and 21–3(d) and (e), "Beret" and "Garrison Cap," respectively.
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The 324th Signal Battalion was originally constituted as the 3111the Signal Service Battalion in the Army of the United states on 27 December 1943. It was under this designation that the Battalion was deployed to Europe and fought in four campaigns in the European Theater. The unit underwent several reorganizations and redesignations over the decades, with the largest involving the reorganization and annexation of the 328th and 543rd Signal Companies as Companies A and B in the 324th Signal Battalion on 16 September 1987; two months earlier, the Battalion’s C Company had been constituted in the U.S. Army Reserve. It was activated 16 April 1988.
As of Autumn 2023, its Headquarters and Headquarters Company and Company B are assigned to the 359th Tactical Theater Signal Brigade and are stationed at Fort Gordon, while its other two letter companies are assigned to U.S. Army Reserve Centers in Clemson, South Carolina and Athens, Georgia.