The 453rd Finance Battalion Distinctive Unit Insignia, (DUI) more commonly known as a unit crest, was approved on 6 March 1996. In the center of the insignia, a silvery-gray shield with a golden-yellow Philippine Sun incorporates the branch colors of the Finance Corps into the design, with gold symbolizing excellence, high ideals, and major achievements. The blue on the shield denotes loyalty and faithfulness, and combined with the red of the Lozenge (diamond shape) they are the colors from the Philippine flag.

Additionally, the Philippine Sun in tandem with the blue wavy base are symbolic of the climate of the Philippine Islands, the area where the unit’s predecessor served during World War II. A lozenge is adapted directly from the Finance Corps branch insignia, while the Sea Lion is found on many heraldic charges related to the Philippine government, including that of the capital city of Manila; it is an ancient symbol of strength and courage. “We Serve Soldier Interests” is the unit motto that refers both to the incremental money earned when Soldiers establish savings accounts and do not withdraw it as well as to the provision of fiduciary advice.

Distinctive Unit Insignias are worn by all Soldiers (except General Officers) in units that have been authorized to be issued the device. It is worn centered on the shoulder loops of the Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU) and the blue Army Service Uniform (ASU, Enlisted only) with the base of the insignia toward the outside shoulder seam. More guidance on wear of the DUI is found in DA Pamphlet 670-1, Section 21-22, "Distinctive unit insignia" and 21–3(d) and (e), "Beret" and "Garrison Cap," respectively.

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The 453rd Finance Battalion was a United States Army Reserve unit based in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania at the time that its Distinctive Unit Insignia was approved in 1996. Aside from links to its DUI, there are almost no references to the Battalion on the Internet, and presumably it was inactivated, redesignated/reorganized, disbanded, or consolidated with another unit under its title many years ago. Please email us if you have information on the lineage or history of the 453rd Battalion so we may share it with visitors to the Web site.

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