Both of the Army’s two primary sources of guidance on the wear of uniforms and insignia, DA 670-1 and AR 670-1, refer to tie tacks just once and with identical language: “A conservative tie tack or tie clasp is authorized.” Naturally, tie tacks are worn only on the long four-in-hand tie, which may be tied in a Windsor, half-Windsor, or four-in-hand knot. Neither of those manuals provides instructions or rules regarding where the PFC tie tack (or any enlisted rank’s tie tack) should be placed on the tie, which means that decision has been left up to the wearer or the local commander.

One of the few Army documents that offers more information about tie tacks than provided in the aforementioned manual is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pamphlet No. 1130-2-5 ("Recreation Operations and Maintenance Guidance and Procedures"), originally published in November 1996 but updated as recently as 2013. It states that, when worn with the Class B Service uniform, tie tacks are positioned near the fourth button from the top.

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