Our Staff Sergeant tie tack features three highly polished chevrons and a lone arc, or “rocker,” that make up the Staff Sergeant rank insignia, all on a solid black background.
Staff Sergeant tie tacks are authorized but not required for wear with the four-in-hand tie, which is always worn with the male Army Service Uniform, the male Dress Uniform (before retreat), and the male Class B Uniform when the long-sleeved shirt is worn. The four-in-hand tie may also be required for wear with the short-sleeved shirt of the male Class B Uniform.
Windsor, half-Windsor, and four-in-hand knots are used for the four-in-hand tie. Pre-tied four-in=hand ties are acceptable provided they reach to at least two inches above the top of the belt buckle but do not extend beyond the bottom of the buckle.
The tie tack is an optional purchase and wear item, and regulations provide no guidance on its design other than to say it should be of a conservative design (although some relatively obscure Army regulations state that it is to be worn near the fourth button from the top of the long- and short-sleeved shirts of the Class B Uniform ensemble).
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