Coast Guard Auxiliary Aviation (AUXAIR) considers flight safety to be the cornerstone of all its operations, an emphasis that can be seen clearly when looking over the extensive list of requirements that must be met to qualify for the non-pilot qualifications of Observer and Aircrew.
In addition to the Emergency Egress and Water Survival training mandated for all Aircrew personnel, Aircrew Members must also be certified as Observer—a process that can begin only with the recommendation of an Auxiliary Aviator certified as either a First Pilot or Aircraft Commander. Other Observer certification requirements include completion of the Air Observer Syllabus, scoring at least 90 percent on a written examination, and logging a minimum of ten flight hours as an Observer Trainee, as well displaying to a First Pilot or Aircraft Commander the ability to handle Coast Guard communications, understand sectional charts, and Complete Area Familiarization.
Beyond Observer certification, Aircrew must undergo medical screening every two years (three years for those under the age of 40), score 90 percent or higher on the Air Operations Training Test (Pilot Supplement), complete the Air Crew Syllabus, meet all requirements spelled out in the Auxiliary Air Crew Qualification Program (COMDTINST 16798.2 series), and take part in five hours of air crew flight training.
And before AUXAIR members can take their first flights as an aircrew member in an Auxiliary aircraft that will be operating offshore, they must swim 75 and successfully climb into a life; they are allowed to wear a Personal Flotation Device during the test, and the life raft should be of the same type used in AUXAIR or Coast Guard aircraft. Note that this is an annual requirement, along with emergency egress training sessions and attendance at an air-safety workshop.