For attaching devices to its Combination Cap, the United States Coast Guard uses a removeable hat band featuring a mounting area designed to hold the device, eliminating the need to insert any part of the device through the fabric or a grommet hole in the fabric of the of cap’s crown.
It’s a system similar to that used by the Navy for its Combination Caps. But a look at the hat band and mount designed for Coast Guard Officers reveals a very different shape: compared to the Navy’s oval or circular mounts, the Coast Guard mounting area almost looks like a space-age logo from the 1950s.
The differences are due to the way the eagles are rendered on the two devices. On the Navy device, the eagle’s head marks the top of the insignia and the wings, though spread, are pointing down. But the Coast Guard eagle’s wings are stretched both outward and upward, with the tips fairly high above the eagle’s head.
If the hatband used a circular shape to encompass them, it would leave a huge space between the eagle’s head and the top of the mount. The solution was to make the mount non-circular (but still symmetrical) and add space on the band to accommodate the far-reaching wings.
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