The Coast Guard’s Operational Dress Uniform (ODU) is the only one for which the wear of embroidered, sew-on collar insignia is mandated. Three years after its 20000 introduction, the Coast Guard uniform regulations listed the ODU as mandatory only for Petty Officers 2nd Class and below, but by the time the next uniform manual was released in 2009, it was a prescribed component for all Officers and Enlisted Guardsmen.
When placing the Captain rank insignia on the collars of the ODU, remember that the devices are oriented so that the eagle is facing forward (inboard). To center the device, imagine a line through the middle of the collar point bisecting it equally. Center the device on this line, thus bisecting the eagle with a wing on each side of the line. Unlike most embroidered sew-on collar ranks, this one is placed one-and-a-half inches from the collar point instead of 1-1/8th inch.