Manufactured with Navy-authorized Certified Navy Twill (CNT), the Summer White Shirt worn by Male Chief Petty Officers (CPOs) as part of the Summer White Service Uniform lacks the shoulders loops found on the version worn by male Officers, who wear hard shoulder boards to display their rank and corps affilation (Line Officer/Staff Corps). Instead, CPOs wear collar grade insignia and headgear devices on the uniform’s standard Combination Cap and on the optional Garrison Cap.
The Summer White CNT Shirt features two breast pockets secured with button flaps and is worn with an open collar to form a V-neck. Trousers worn with the shirt must be made of the same material, a 100% polyester CNT (uniforms made with this fabric may not be worn in an operating fire room).
Worn only by CPOs and Officers, the Summer White Service Uniform can be prescribed as Uniform of the Day during the Summer and worn while performing office work or watchstanding or while ashore on libery or conducting business.