The Ombudsman Programs was established by Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Elmo Zumwalt on 14 September 1970. Zumwalt had always expressed deep concern over the needs and concerns of enlisted Sailors, and he recognized the important role that families played in the well-being of Sailors and just how vital that well-being was to the performance of their duties. Zumwalt created the Ombudsman program to facilitate the flow of information between Navy command leadership, the enlisted cadre, and their families, taking the name from a centuries-old Swedish tradition of an office designed specifically to safeguard the rights of citizens. One of the first examples was the Office of Supreme Ombudsman created by Swedish king Charlex XII in the early 18th century.
Navy Ombudsmen are volunteers, appointed by commanding officers to ensure the information pipeline flows smoothly both up and down the chain of command. The Navy established the Mrs. Sybil Stockdale Ombudsman of the Year award to recognize those Ombudsmen whose service and dedication exemplifies the highest standards of professionalism and has helped promote a healthy community.
This lapel pin was issued in 1995 in celebration of the program’s 25th year.