The Navy’s male Dinner Dress White and Dinner Dress Blue jackets feature a front closure that’s secured with two, 28-line Navy eagle buttons that are attached with a chain link approximately three-quarters of an inch in length. These gold chained buttons are for wear by Officers and CPOs; enlisted personnel (E-6 and below) wear silver buttons on the jackets and for the chained closure. Female Officer and CPO Dinner Dress jacket do not have the closure on which these chained buttons are used.
Navy eagle buttons feature an eagle rising, with its wings pointed down and its head facing to the right. Its left foot is on the shank of plain anchor laid horizontally and its right foot is on the stock. Surrounding this design are thirteen five-pointed stars and, on the outer edge, a rope. The term line, derived from the word “ligne,” is used to describe button diameters. A line equals .025 inches, so a 28-line button is seven-tenths of an inch across.