The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, or AMSUS, was organized in 1891 and was given a Congressional Charter in 1903. Its original focus was almost entirely on advancing the knowledge military medical care, hygiene, and sanitation issues at both the national and state level.

Today, the organization remains focused on the medical practices and health care in the military, with much of the research conducted by its members published in its monthly journal Military Medicine. Covering all aspects of medicine and medical care delivery in military settings, the journal features research reports, case studies, reviews of topical books, and editorials.

But the group’s focus on military medicine has broadened to cover all medical and health-care issues at the federal level. It is now known as “AMSUS: The Society of Federal Health Professionals,” and in its most recent IRS filing, the word “military” only appears when its official title is required. The organization’s summary likewise does not refer to the military, stating the groups’ goals is to “provide for the advancement of federal medicine by providing a forum and continuing medical education credits for our members, contribute to the improvement of health care in the nation through policy study, and improve the effectiveness of the federal health care services.”

Members of AMSUS authorized to wear the organization’s insignia, which consists of a cross, a rosette, enamel lapel bar, and a lapel button and pin. The cross is suspended by a ribbon consisting of two crimson bands enclosing a white band; any member of the Association may wear the cross on ceremonial occasions. None of the insignia are authorized for wear on active-duty military uniforms.

Despite its title, membership in AMSUS is not restricted to miltary surgeons or even those who practice medicine in any of the branches of the U.S. Military. In keeping with its broadened focus that includes federal health care, membership in the organization is open to individuals who currently are or have been associated with a federal health agency or the Department of Veteran Affairs, either directly or as a consultant. Also accepted are individuals serving in the military medical services of other nations.

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As a certified manufacturer of uniforms and insignia, The Salute Uniforms considers it a privilege to provide the members of our nation’s military services with superior-quality apparel and accoutrements. We guarantee that every product we offer is made in the USA and meets or surpasses Mil-Spec standards. Browse our online catalog and discover how our tradition of excellence and commitment to innovation makes us your best source for military uniforms, insignias, medals, and accessories.


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105 Apache Drive, Archdale, NC, 27263.