The 153rd Brigade Support Battalion Distinctive Unit Insignia, commonly referred to as a “unit crest,” was originally approved on 26 November 2014 and subsequently amended to revise the symbolism on 6 April 2015. IUVARE PUGNAM, the Battalion’s motto, is Latin for “Support The Fight” and as a foundational principle is appropriately located at the base of the insignia.
In the shield portion of the unit crest, gold represents the plenteous sand and sunshine of the Arizona desert, recalling the unit’s original location in Phoenix. Horses have contributed more to the productivity and growth of civilization than any other animal and rightly stands as a traditional symbol of support, with the four differently colored horses representing a different aspect of the concept of support. The black horse stands for team effort, while red denotes team readiness. A buff horse is an emblem of the team’s power, and the white horse stands for team unity.
As of Autumn 2023, the 153rd Brigade Support Battalion is assigned to the 158th Maneuver Brigade in the Arizona Army National Guard.