The 307th Engineer Battalion (Airborne) oval (officially referred to as Airborne background trimming in Army regulations) worn today is the second version worn by Battalion Soldiers. Beginning in 1949, the oval’s design was the reverse of that seen today, with a white interior and thick, red border. While some sources say this design was actually approved in 1992, no hard documentation is easily available to back up that claim.
Ovals are worn by 307th Engineer Battalion personnel who have earned a Parachutist and/or Air Assault badge, with the badge centered on the insignia to give the insignia the effect of a border or trim around the decoration. An oval and badge worn together counts as a single item when calculating placement between other awards and/or pockets, seams, etc., as well as determining the total number of badges on a uniform (ASU allows six, AGSU allows only four).
Ovals are authorized for wear by male and female Soldiers on Service Uniform coats (AGSU and ASU/ASU Dress) and shirts (except Class B AGSUs), as well as by female Soldiers on the green or blue Army Maternity Tunic. See paragraph 21–32 of the January edition of DA PAM 670-1 for complete guidance on the wear of ovals.
Beret flashes, also called organizational flashes, are worn centered on the stiffener of an appropriately colored beret; the 307th Engineer Battalion flash is worn on the maroon beret to reflect its Airborne status. Noncommissioned Officers and Junior Enlisted Soldiers wear the 307th Engineer Battalion Distinctive Unit Insignia centered on the flash, while Officers wear their nonsubdued insignia of grade in a similar fashion.
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Organized in 1917, the 307th Engineer Battalion’s history includes action in World War I and II, two Armed Forces Expeditions (Dominican Republic and Panama), the Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991, and the War on Terrorism. As of 2021, it operates as the 307th Brigade Engineer Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division.
Learn more about the Battalion’s lineage, military honors, and history by visiting our store page devoted to the
307th Engineer Battalion Unit Crest (DUI).