Organizational flashes differ from the standard blue Department of the Army flash in two ways: they are worn on a beret manufactured in one of four colors—maroon, green, tan, and brown—that correspond to a certain type or classification of unit, and they represent a discrete Army unit or organization. Airborne units such as the 307th Brigade Support Battalion that have been issued organizational flashes wear the insignia on the stiffener of the maroon beret.
An Airborne background trimming, commonly called an “oval” for obvious reasons, are worn by personnel who meet two qualifications: they serve in an Airborne unit and have earned a Parachutist and/or Air Assault badge. The oval is placed beneath the badge, which is centered atop the patch, and the combination is worn on the coats of Service uniforms (AGSU, ASU, and the dress variant of the ASU), the shirt of the Class B ASU, and green or blue Army Maternity Tunics.
Guidance on wearing insignia (rank for Officers, unit for Enlisted) on the organization flash is found
Chapter 4-10(e) of the January 2021 edition of DA PAM 670-1. Detailed instructions on the wear of the flash and oval are found in
Chapter 21-32(a) and (b) of the same manual.
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