The 376th Finance Battalion Distinctive Unit Insignia (DUI)—more commonly referred to as a unit crest—was originally approved for the 376th Finance Battalion on 25 May 1995. It was redesignated for the 376th Finance Company on 17 February 2007 before being cancelled due a G-1 direction and change of policy on 7 December 2007.
Featured predominantly in the insignia are silver gray, golden yellow, and black, the three most common colors used in Finance Corps heraldry, the first two because they are the branch colors of Finance units and the last because it denotes stability and strength (in some cases the financial term “solvency” is used to describe black). The center of the insignia features “Old Abe,” an eagle that was adopted by the Eighth Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers and subsequently carried in parades and even toted into battle; it is displayed here because this unit was organized in precisely the same location as the old Eighth Regiment. A quill in Old Abe’s beak is an allusion to record-keeping, while the sheathed sword held in Abe’s talons is a symbol of military preparedness and the scarlet lozenge behind is taken from the insignia of branch of the Finance Corps. “To Serve” is the Battalion motto.
Guidance on wear of the DUI is found in DA Pamphlet 670-1,
Section 21-22, "Distinctive unit insignia" and 21–3(d) and (e),
"Beret" and
"Garrison Cap," respectively.
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Originally constituted as the 100th Finance Disbursing Section on 22 February 1944, the 376th Finance Battalion earned a World War II European-African-Middle Eastern Theater Victory Streamer (uninscribed) under that first designation before being inactivated on 16 October 1945 at Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indiana. It was redesignated as the 376th Finance Disbursing Section and allotted to the Organized Reserves in May 1947 and activated the following month.
It would retain its numeric designation over the next sixty years as its designation changed from Finance Disbursing Section to Finance Section (January 1968), Finance Support Unit (September 1988), and finally Finance Battalion (September 1993). Elements of the Battalion were ordered into active military service twice in the coming years, first from January 2004 to 30 June 2005 and then from 26 June – 30 August 2005 to 2 November 2006 – 19 January 2007.
Just under a month later it would be redesignated as the 376th Finance Company on 17 February 200, with the cancellation of this insignia following roughly ten months later