Employing the same insignia as found on the color version of the 142nd Battlefield Surveillance Brigade unit patch, the Combat Service ID Badge (CSIB) was introduced at roughly same as the current Army Service Uniform. Presumably, the CSIB was intended to be the ASU equivalent of the colored unit patch worn on the left shoulder of the Class A Army Green Service uniform, but the difference—aside from a patch versus a badge—is that the colored patch indicates current unit, while the CSIB may be chosen from any current or past unit for which the Soldier has been authorized to wear the badge.
The 142nd Brigade’s mission to find “Truth Through Vigilance” is reflected in the inclusion of the eight-sided polygon, a symbol of the Greek god Helios and his power to see and hear all. Crossed swords superimposed on a saltire recalling the state flag of Alabama (the Brigade was based in Decatur) denote the offensive and defensive requirements of the Brigade’s mission and the inherent physical dangers they entail.
Related Items142nd Battlefield Surveillance Brigade Unit Patch (SSI)
142nd Battlefield Surveillance Brigade Unit Crest (DUI)