The service stripes worn with the Army Blue or White Mess/Evening Mess uniform jacket come in Large (half-inch wide) and Small (quarter-inch wide) sizes with a variable length due to the fact the stripes extends from seam to seam. Stripe size must correspond to the rank insignia that is worn on the jacket—use the Size selector to the right to make the appropriate choice and then pick the Fabric backing to match the color of the Mess/Evening Mess uniform jacket.
Service stripes are worn centered on the outside bottom half of both sleeves at a 30-degree angle, with the lower end of the first stripe inserted into the front inside seam 1/4-inch above the cuff braid of the Blue Mess/Evening Mess jacket and 3 inches from the sleeve bottom on the White Mess/Evening Mess jacket. Additional stripes are space 1/8-inch above and parallel to the stripe below it.
To wear a set of nine service stripes, a member of the Active Army, Army National Guard, or Army National Guard must have accrued twenty-seven years of honorable active Federal Service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard (service need not be continuous).