Described as the “varsity sport of Army ROTC,” the Ranger Challenge is a team-based competition pitting teams from service academies and colleges from the United States and abroad in a series of graded events designed to challenge Cadets’ mental and physical resiliency, develop leadership skills, and promote teamwork and esprit-de-corps.
Some events, such as Basic Rifle Marksmanship, are straightforward, while others test Cadets on a variety of skills. In the Grenade Assault Course, for instance, a team is broken up into five two-man squads, with each squad running an obstacle course while under fire from paintball snipers. Along the way are specific points where the team must throw a simulated grenade at a target, with points earned for accuracy and deducted for every paintball hit. Add in a requirement that the Cadets must use certain movement techniques (Low Crawl, Back Crawl, etc.) as they negotiate the course, and you have an event that tests Cadets mentally and physically.
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