Along with Seaman and Airman, Fireman is one of the three broad classifications of career baths in the Coast Guard and is associated with jobs in engineering, damage control, machinery technicians, and so forth. The different groups are distinguished by the color of the diagonal stripes on the sleeves of their uniforms: red for Fireman, white for Seaman, and green for Airman.
All enlisted personnel enter the Coast Guard as Seaman Recruits E-1, but upon completion of Basic Training they are promoted to E-2 Seaman Apprentice or Fireman Apprentice based upon their skills, aptitudes, and the needs of the service. Regardless of their category, Apprentices are considered “non-rate” Guardsmen because they have not yet completed training a specialized career, or rating. The same is true when Apprentices are promoted to E-3 and become Firemen.
Guardsmen promoted to E-2 Fireman Apprentice are not limited to pursuing a career in ratings associated with the Fireman category, but on the other hand they are not guaranteed to be assigned to a non-Fireman rating based on their wishes alone. Just as with their original promotion for Seaman Recruit to Fireman Apprentice, the needs of the Guard are an important determining factor.
Service Blue