The general rate of Fireman is one of five that Naval enlistees can enter when they begin their careers in the United States Navy by serving an apprenticeship. Starting with the apprenticeship and throughout their careers, Firemen work with propulsion systems, electrical generation gas turbines, electronic machinery, wiring, plating, and so forth, which makes the name of this apprenticeship somewhat misleading. The name “Fireman” is actually a nod to the days of steam-powered vessels; Firemen were responsible for keeping the fires going that stoked the ship’s boilers and created the steam to turn turbines and propellers.
Following completion of their training during apprenticeship, Firemen are typically assigned to shipboard duties to fill the Navy’s needs at that time. Once deployed, Firemen are eligible to request to begin on-the-job tutelage and training in a rating in which they are interested and which is available at their first command, a process that requires them to complete correspondence courses and meet personal advancement requirements. Additionally, they also need to be recommended for the rating they seek a career in by their Commanding Officer.
Special schools are available for Firemen to attend where they can learn the basics in disciplines such as damage control, firefighting, and preventive maintenance, as well as become familiar with the tools used in the job to which they are currently assigned or which are used in the rating they would like to pursue as a career. To become designated in one of the ratings their Firemen apprenticeship qualifies them for, they must pass a Navy-Wide Advancement Examination or be ordered to attend a Class “A” Technical School within two years at their first Permanent Duty Station.
Ratings available for Firemen fall into two classes: Propulsion and Precision Welding/Fabrication/Plumbing. Included in Propulsion ratings are Engineman, Gas Turbine Systems Technician (subdivided into two service ratings, Mechanical and Electrical), Machinist’s Mate, and Electrician’s Mate. Damage Controlman, Hull Maintenance Technician, and Machinery Repairman comprised the ratings in Precision Welding/Fabrication/Plumbing. All of these ratings require Sailors to attend either Basic Engineering Common Core or Engineering Common Core courses, while the Electrician’s Mate, Machinery Repairman, and Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Electrical) rates require completion of a secondary “strand specific” school before Sailors can enter the rating.