While the rating of Molder (ML) was created in 1917, the need for its establishment can be traced back three decades earlier.
The Navy’s move from wood to steel vessels began with Congressional approval of the construction of four steel warships in 1883, the Age of Sail had not quite ended. These “ABCD Ships”—so dubbed because they were named Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, and Dolphin—were curious hybrids featuring steel hulls and steam engines but also equipped with sails. It was not until a decade later that the Navy was fully committed to steam-powered vessels and cast sails aside.
But just as sails required sailmakers to effect repairs, the new mechanized Navy ships needed Sailors to manufacture damaged or worn equipment in cases where the parts were not on hand. Using a wood pattern of the object to be duplicated, Molders create the shape of the part by pressing the pattern into a sand mixture, removing it, and pouring liquified metal into the impression. Originally stationed on battleships, repair vessels, and at shore stations, all Molders were originally either first- or second-class Petty Officers from either the Seaman of Fireman job class. When a Molder reached the rate of Chief Petty Officer, he became a Chief Metalsmith.
The ML rating was disestablished from 1929 to 1943. After 1943, all Molders were drawn from the Firemen job class. A year earlier, foundries had been removed from older battleships and were not included on new battleships in production, so Molders were no longer found on first-line combat ships but rather on tenders accompanying the fleet.
In 1996, the Navy announced that the Molder and Patternmaker (PM) ratings would be disestablished effective in October, 1997. ML and PM Sailors could ask for conversion to other ratings, with the Navy suggesting Master-at-Arms (MA) and Navy Counselor (NC) because of shortfalls in Sailors serving in those ratings. Molders and Patternmakers who did specify a rate for conversion were automatically converted to the ratings of Hull Technician (HT) or Machinery Repairman (MR).