A great deal of the men and women who enlist in the United States Navy have in mind either a particular job they’d like to perform during their service—Air Traffic Controller, Mass Communications Specialist, or Electrician’s Mate, for example—or a general field of work which interests them, such as Navigation, Ordnance, or Administration. Of course, there are some recruits who are unsure what type of career path they wish to pursue or what job best suits their talents and skills. In either case, all Navy enlistees begin their careers serving in an apprenticeship—also called a general rate—followed by the opportunity to pursue a job in a specific specialty, or rating.
Currently, there are five apprenticeships: Airman (AN), Constructionman (CN), Fireman (FN), Hospitalman (HN), and Seaman (SN). Each apprenticeship serves as the foundational learning for a distinct set of professions, or ratings. For example, Sailors who apprenticed as Constructionmen can choose to work toward a job in one of seven ratings: Builder, Construction Electrician, Construction Mechanic, Engineering Aide, Equipment Operator, Steelworker, and Utilitiesman.
The Seaman apprenticeship serves as the basis for advancement in the greatest number of ratings, which makes it an excellent choice for recruits who have yet to decide what job is best suited for them. In the April 2016 Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications and Occupational Standards, more than two dozen ratings are open to Sailors who served their apprenticeships in the general rate of Seaman:
• Boatswain's Mate • Cryptologic Technician • Culinary Specialist • Electronics Technician • Explosive Ordnance Disposal • Fire Controlman • Gunner’s Mate • Information Systems Technician • Intelligence Specialist • Interior Communication Technician • Legalman • Logistics Specialist • Mass Communication Specialist • Master-At-Arms • Mineman • Missile Technician • Musician • Navy Diver • Operations Specialist • Personnel Specialist • Quartermaster • Religious Program Specialist • Ship’s Serviceman • Special Warfare Operator • Sonar Technician • Special Warfare Boat Operator • Yeoman
As Seaman apprentices, new Sailors perform a wide variety of general tasks, usually involving hands-on labor that acquaints them with ship equipment or assignments that familiarize them with ship protocols and operation. For example, Seamen are responsible for the maintenance of decks and deck machinery, lines, riggings, and other external structures. They stand a number of deck watches, serving as helmsmen, lookouts, and messengers. Seamen will do a stint of duty, typically between three to four months, working as in food services or compartment cleaning. They learn to operate cranes, booms, winches, and small boats, with the latter sometimes being involved in Naval ceremonies.
Seamen who have just begun their service are called Recruits, have a paygrade of E1, and have no sleeve insignia indicating the general rate to which they belong. Advancement to E2 is indicated by a sleeve insignia of two white stripes (for blue uniforms; blue stripes are worn by white uniforms), earning the title of Apprentice. Upon reaching the E3 paygrade, an additional white stripe is added to the sleeve insignia and they earn the title of Seaman.