A silver front aluminum chin strap is worn on the special Ceremonial Caps authorized for members of special Ceremonial units, United States Air Force Bands (USAF, Air Force Academy, and Regional), and Arlington National Cemetery Chaplains. Ceremonial units include the USAF Honor Guard, Installation / Base Honor Guards, Drill Team, Color Guard, and Military Funeral Details. Secured with a chrome screw-in cap button embossed with the “wing and star” design, the silver chin strap perfectly complement the silver trim of the Ceremonial Cap’s high-gloss bill.
Because the silver chin strap and chromed cap buttons can be purchased separately, we sometimes receive calls from customers asking how they can use these items to modify a standard service cap into one that meets all Honor Guard specifications. The answer is that it can’t be done unless you’re haberdasher and are willing to craft a cap from the crown down—and even then you’ll probably spend more money that if you simply purchased a new Honor Guard cap.