Display your pride of service with out United States Air Force Veteran Lapel Pin! Suitable for wear with civilian clothes, wear the Air Force Veteran Lapel Pin can be worn on a coat lapel or ball cap or make it a part of your Air Force memorabilia in a shadowbox commemorating your service.

The USAF Veteran Lapel Pin features the official Air Force symbol, which was first introduced on a trial basis in 2000 and formally designated as the Air Force’s official, trademarked emblem in 2004. Designed to honor the heritage of the past while celebrating the promise of future achievements, the Air Force symbol is divided into two main parts.

The upper half’s stylized wings stand for the Enlisted men and women of the Air Force, and the sharp, angular design is meant to convey their swiftness and power. Six sections represent the Air Force’s capabilities: agile combat support, air and space superiority, global attack, information superiority, precision engagement, and rapid global mobility.

A sphere, star, and three diamonds form the lower half. The sphere inside the star represents the globe and recalls the Air Force’s commitment to secure our country’s freedoms through Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power.

The star has several meanings. It represents the components of the Total Force: active duty, civilians, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, and retirees. It also symbolizes spaces, the pinnacle of our air and space force, as well as the guidance and leadership of the Air Force Officer Corps. Three diamonds stand for the core values of the Air Force: integrity first, service before self, and excellence in everything Air Force members do.

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As a certified manufacturer of uniforms and insignia, The Salute Uniforms considers it a privilege to provide the members of our nation’s military services with superior-quality apparel and accoutrements. We guarantee that every product we offer is made in the USA and meets or surpasses Mil-Spec standards. Browse our online catalog and discover how our tradition of excellence and commitment to innovation makes us your best source for military uniforms, insignias, medals, and accessories.


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Salute Industries Inc, proud maker of The Salute Uniforms.
105 Apache Drive, Archdale, NC, 27263.