Though a non-military organization, the Coast Guard Auxiliary nonetheless uses military-style rank insignia to designate the office or position held by the wearer. Inspired by the Navy and Coast Guard systems of sleeve rank insignia, the Coast Guard Auxiliary employs a similar system with silver instead of gold lace stripes placed on the sleeves of the Service Dress Blue Coat and Dinner Dress Blue Jacket, using a combination of stripes of differing widths to designate an organizational leadership position.
Two half-inch-wide synthetic silver lace stripes are the insignia for one position decided by vote (Flotilla Commander, or FC) and four by appointment: Assistant District Staff Officer (ADSO), District Commodore Aide (D-AD), Branch Assistant (BA), and Academy Admissions Partner. (Two half-inch stripes are a Lieutenant's insignia in the Navy and Coast Guard.)
Place the first stripe two inches from the sleeve cuff, then place the second parallel to and 1/4-inch from the first. The lace ends must completely circle the sleeve and are sewn into the back seam.
Auxiliary shield devices sewn on 1/4-inch above the upper lace reveal whether the office was filled by vote or by appointment and are embroidered on fabric that matches the coat/jacket on which they are sewn.
Auxiliary Shield Sleeve Devices: