The Enlisted version of our Marine Corps’ service cap, or cover, is almost identical to our Company-Grade Officers (1st and 2nd Lieutenants and Captains) model, with the only easily discernable difference between the two being the quatrefoil design found on top of the crown of the Officers’ caps. Both versions feature easy-to-maintain, high-gloss synthetic leather for the chinstrap and visor (regulations make it clear that both are to be kept polished at all times) and are manufactured to meet or exceed all Marine Corps specifications.
While the garrison cap is the cover that is normally worn by enlisted Marines when in formation, commanders may prescribe wear of the service cap on specific occasions. Otherwise, Marine Corps Uniform Regulations state clearly that the cap is an optional-wear item that Marines may wear with the Service Uniform on all occasions. When the cap is worn, it should be positioned so that it’s straight and centered, so that the tip of the visor is in line with the wearer’s eyebrows.
More Enlisted Service Cap Insignia / Accouterments
Enlisted Service Cap Insignia
Enlisted Service Cap Crown
Enlisted Service / Dress Cap Chin Strap
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Enlisted Dress Cap Crown
Enlisted Dress Cap Insignia
Dress Cap Screw Post Buttons
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Service Stripes